Time is running out…Really? | Exponential

March 22, 2017

If we were to visit Jesus in His hometown at any point prior to the start of His public ministry, we’d think He was just an average guy, born into an average family, and making an average living. We’d see a man living in an insignificant town, where He would likely die within half a mile of where He was raised.

But then His earthly purpose intersected with His eternal destiny, and everything changed. In His three years of public ministry, we see little evidence of the easy-going, laid-back, fly-under-the-radar, average Jesus. Instead, we witness a laser-focused, highly strategic, intense, and intentional Jesus living in the truth that His earthly days were numbered. That’s what happens when our earthly purpose meets our eternal destiny. We are transformed and live with conviction, focus and urgency.

I have the blessing of working with numerous leaders who are living at that intersection of purpose and destiny. Brian Sanders is one of them. You’ve probably never heard of Brian, but that’s often the profile of these multiplying leaders. Brian gets that sending and releasing transformed disciples is the future of the Church. He is urgently and passionately walking that out in what he calls the “Underground experiment.”

For the past 10 years, Brian has led a multiplying fellowship of 150+ micro-churches throughout the Tampa Bay, Florida, area. The church empowers everyday individuals to start and lead fresh expressions of faith that reach into every corner of society. In this week’s guest post, Brian shares why he believes unleashing and empowering the priesthood of believers in our churches is vital to carrying out Matthew 28.

What about you? Are you living at the intersection of your purpose and your destiny? Time is running out! Each day is one less day to make a difference. Will you join the “4 to 10 mission” as we work together to move the multiplication needle from less than 4 percent of U.S. churches ever reproducing to an inflection point of 10 percent? The only way this will happen is if leaders like you join the movement.

Now, in the short-term, time really is running out to register for Exponential East (April 24-27) and to be part of what I believe is a potentially life-changing experience. The conference is a very practical and tangible way to pursue what it means for you and your church to discover your pathway to multiplication. Each year, numerous leaders tell me about the profound impact the conference had on their paradigm of thinking and their decision to act. Don’t miss this upcoming opportunity. Join the movement of leaders who are motivated by seeing disciples who make disciples, who plant churches that plant churches!


Don’t let time run out. Hope to see you in Orlando next month!

Todd Wilson

Todd Wilson

Todd is a Kingdom entrepreneur. He spends the majority of his time starting and working with organizations committed to Kingdom impact and multiplication. Todd was a co-founder and founding CEO of Exponential, which organizes and hosts the annual Exponential Global conference in Orlando and live events throughout the United States and world. Todd lives in Durham, NC, with his wife, Anna. They have two sons and two daughters-in-law: Ben & Therese and Chris & Mariah, and two amazing grandsons.
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