Together Episode 2: Pete Scazzero talks about being together with God

January 21, 2020

Pete Scazzero: Together Podcast

Interview with Pete Scazzero

As we explore our 2020 theme, Together: Pursuing the Great Collaboration, we are examining Jesus’ prayer in John 17 “…that they may be one as we are one – I in them and you in me – so that they may be brought to complete unity.” The first step is fulfilling this Great Collaboration prayer is being together with God.

In this podcast, Exponential President Dave Ferguson and 2020 conference speaker Pete Scazzero discuss what it practically looks like be together with God and what it means to take a biblical sabbath. Pete explains that, in Western culture, our worth is in what we do and pastors are experiencing a growing level of exhaustion. Sometimes, even the idea of sabbath sounds like a burden because there is too much on our minds and schedules. However, as Pete points out, a sabbath is not a “have-to,” it’s a tremendous grace.

Pete is the founder of new Life Fellowship in Queens. After serving for twenty-six years, Pete now serves as pastor at large and founder of Emotionally Healthy Discipleship, a groundbreaking ministry that transforms through deeply changed multiplying disciples and leaders. He is passionate about helping people experience togetherness with God through rest and emotional maturity.

In Pete’s words, “spiritual maturity and emotional maturity are inseparable.”

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Key Highlights:

  • Two primary markers of emotional health
  • One central missing component of discipleship
  • What healthy sabbath looks like for Pete and his wife Geri
  • Warning signs of pastoral burnout

Today and in the coming weeks, we hope you join us for this critical conversation as we unpack each of these shifts.

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