LNP23 | Triggers and the Next Generation

October 24, 2022

“I feel triggered.” Many of us have heard young adults use the phrase, what does that really mean? Is it just a random term or Gen Z idea? Or is it connected to something deeper that is impacting the lives and minds of the next generation?

In this episode, we are welcoming Ben Bennett, director of Resolution Movement, who will help us understand triggers in the lives of the next generation and how we can respond to them.

Leadership Podcast Series:

It seems that more public figures, athletes, celebrities, and even politicians are talking about mental health and admitting that they too are struggling. Every day, more young people are choosing a profession in the mental health field. We have more awareness than ever before,—and yet the percentages of depression, anxiety and even suicide are getting worse. Why is this happening? Join us for a three-week series diving into the root causes, innovative responses, and new strategies to build churches that help the next generation find the healing they are longing for.

To learn more at Leadership Network, visit leadnet.org and for more conversations on Generation NEXT click here.

To watch the conversation, visit https://mult-archive.em02.enthusiastinc.net/event/triggers-and-the-next-generation/

Hannah Gronowski Barnett

Hannah Gronowski Barnett

Hannah Gronowski Barnett, founder and CEO of Generation Distinct, speaker, preacher, and author, has always been wired to abolish cultural complacency, unleash lasting justice, and join the wild adventure Jesus invites us all to live. She is also a profile speaker for The Women’s Speaker Collective and a regular writing contributor for The Global Leadership Summit. Host of The Generation Distinct Podcast and The Hannah Gronowski Leadership YouTube Channel, she has also been recognized by her community with a Leader of Youth Award for her work mentoring teens and serving refugee children through World Relief. Hannah’s latest book, Generation Distinct: Discover the Wrong You Were Born to Make Right, released on September 15, 2020.
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Aaron Barnett

Aaron Barnett

Aaron Barnett is the director of strategy and partnerships at Generation Distinct where, together with his wife Hannah, he equips the next generation to discover the wrong they were born to make right and experience who Jesus really is. They use the topics of purpose, passion and justice to bring the next generation into conversations about Jesus, the gospel, and the Great Commission. Aaron is also a content specialist for Exponential and a director for Generation Next through Leadership Network. Aaron is deeply passionate about the local church and has spent years in youth ministry and now invests into churches around the country as a traveling speaker and leader. Aaron has a passion to unleash the unique calling in each person, helping both individuals and organizations go from where they are to where they could be.
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