Urban Islands Project

Project: Urban Islands Project

Leader: Steve Pike 

Website: urbanislandsproject.org


To increase the presence of the Church in urban neighborhoods in American cities.

Project Categories

  • Bivo/Covo Business for Mission Models and Expressions
  • Church Planting and Funding Model
  • Collaborative Methods for Increased Planting
  • Disciple Making and Church Engagement
  • Micro Models and Expressions

Big Idea and Overview

We assemble cohorts of church starters who are all called to places where conventional church starting methodologies are ineffective. Our cohorts meet virtually once each month for one year. The deliverables of the cohorts are:

  • A three day, two night face to face orientation/networking event designed to allow the participants to connect relationally.

  • A monthly Zoom interactive real time learning event with the agenda driven by Urban Islands Project.

  • A monthly one on one coaching call with a coach with the agenda driven by the church planter.

  • Membership in the Next Wave Online Community nextwave.community.

  • 24/7 access to Urban Islands Project leaders and coaches via email/text. Thus far we’ve served over 50 projects in 17 different American cities and hosted over 10 cohorts of 3-5 projects each.

Customer / Mission Field Context

A church starter sensing a call from God to raise up a new faith community in an urban place or anywhere that conventional church startup methodologies are not viable.

Goals and Desired Outcomes

  1. Complement sending organizations (denominations, networks, churches,

    etc.) who want to activate in hard urban places but are unsure how to proceed.

  2. Facilitate at least 10 cohorts per year.

  3. Identify emerging models that can serve as a framework/guideline for future church starters in similar contexts.

  4. Develop an online community of 1000+ individuals exploring or acting on a call to an urban place.

Results and

  • 50+ projects assisted.

  • 10+ cohorts facilitated.

  • 17+ cities served.

  • Partnered with 10+ denominations/ networks/churches.