Virtual Reality Church

Project: Virtual Reality Church

Leader: DJ Soto 



Our mission is to explore and communicate God’s love through virtual reality, augmented reality, and next generation technologies.

Project Categories

  • Digital Engagement and Technology Models and Methods

Big Idea and Overview

Virtual Reality Church is a church that exists entirely in the metaverse. The immersive capabilities of virtual reality have created a unique opportunity to create loving spiritual communities for a new type of mission field the world has never seen before.

In 2016, we experimented with church in VR. In 2017, we established the first church to exist in VR. The heart of our ministry is church planting, therefore we continue to plant churches in various “virtual reality cities.” Currently, we have multiple churches across the metaverse.

Customer / Mission Field Context

Many of our attendees are agnostic and atheist. The nature of the technology of VR combined with an inclusive culture has cultivated an environment and experience that breaks down the intimidation of going to a physical church. The technology helps people feel safe to explore their faith.

Goals and Desired Outcomes

  1. Our goal is a church-planting movement in the metaverse.

  2. We want to empower people with their spiritual gifts and think of creative ways to express those gifts virtually.

  3. We want to move the “church” from the Information Age to the Experience Age.

Results and

We have planted several churches and have established elders in multiple “virtual reality cities.” Our community continues to grow in new platforms like Twitch and Discord.