Unless the hourglass gets flipped over, my time seems to be running out. I wish so much that I had not spent any of it complaining, or doubting, or worrying, or being afraid. ~ Dave Browning, Founder of Christ the King International
Dave Browning is one of my favorite people. His ministry, Christ the King (CTK) has planted hundreds of small groups throughout the world with worship centers strategically located in every community. CTK is on the cusp of Level 5 multiplication under Dave’s leadership and vision. His passion for people, and the church, and his vision for multiplication are traits of Level 5 leadership that the rest of us can learn from.
I’ve had the blessing of getting to know Dave and having a front row seat to his ministry over the past 18 months. He is a close friend to Exponential, sharing our passion and vision for Level 5 multiplication. He has graciously given his time, talents and resources to be part of a small group of national leaders that Exponential gathered to help us work though what Level 5 multiplication might look like in the West.
As a community, Dave needs our prayer. He was recently diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor, likely giving him only months to live. His emails and social media posts continue to offer me insights for living life and doing ministry that builds the Kingdom. Even in his struggles, Dave is setting an example for us in what it looks like to be a Level 5 multiplication leader. Dave’s reflections get to the heart of what we’re doing with the time, energy and resources each of us have uniquely been given. Are we living for something bigger than ourselves, or worrying about the stuff of earth?
Are we holding tight to “our” ministry, or are we leading open-handedly, equipping people to follow their calling and carry the fullness of Jesus to others?
Below are some of the thoughts Dave has expressed in the recent weeks that I think we all need to hear:
- Time really is precious. Well, it’s not time, I guess. But what you get to do with it. And with Whom.
- Unless the hourglass gets flipped over, my time seems to be running out. I wish so much that I had not spent any of it complaining, or doubting, or worrying, or being afraid.
- So I wish I could take back and recycle any and all wasted time that I spent worrying, or frustrated, or self-centered. I’m good with time I spent daydreaming, or wondering, or puzzled. I’m clear now that my main two duties were just to trust Him and love others.
- I’m heartened to know the work of Christ the King will go on. I’m thinking about the person more than the church that carries His name, but I love them both dearly. Please continue in your devotion to the Lord and His work. You are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it. You are the light of the world.
Because Dave has been faithful to the “go” of Jesus’ command in His Great Commission, the impact of his desire and resolve to be part of a Kingdom movement spans the globe. In many ways, he is the epitome of a leader that values sending and releasing—raising up leaders that go well beyond anything he’d ever accomplish on his own. I’d say Dave leads with a scorecard and metrics that show us success is not about what we achieve but rather what we set in motion.
At the beginning of the year—about six weeks before his diagnosis—Dave wrote an article for us about what’s needed to move from Level 4 to what we’re calling Level 4+ (a more vibrant expression of Level 4). Dave shares what CTK has learned about this specific Level 4+ journey, as well as what he has found to be true of a multiplying leader. In this article, he looks at specific values a pastor and church must acquire, as well as what they must release, to move toward Level 4+ multiplication. I encourage you to read his thoughts and let his questions challenge you as you join with us on the “4 to 10 mission” to see the multiplication needle move from less than 4 percent of U.S. churches ever reproducing to a tipping point of 10 percent.
Our team continues to pray for all of the leaders coming to Exponential East April 24-27. We’re six weeks away! It’s not too late to join us for what I can confidently say will be a life-changing gathering. Just click here to register.
P.S. Dave isn’t shy about asking God to heal him (in his words, “I’m banging on the door of Heaven”) and is currently seeking medical treatment. We appreciate your prayers for healing and for his family.