Over the last year, Exponential has become laser-focused in who we are looking to serve. It’s not enough to help equip people wanting to plant churches. We want to serve healthy disciple-making leaders who champion reproduction.

If you’re anything like us, the last few years took something out of you as we all watched so many Christian leaders with large platforms lost their livelihood and some of them their lives.

We don’t need to name them by name. At this point there are too many of them and that doesn’t serve the Body of Christ very well.

But we want to use this to illustrate a point: A Multiplier is building their life in a distinctly different way.  We believe this kind of formula is how a Multiplier is building their life…

Multiplier Digital Workshop

Discover Insights and Principles from the Multipliers Master Tool

2 Workshop Options To Choose From and Both Are FREE

Workshop Option 1

Monday, March 18
2:00-4:00pm ET
with Dave Ferguson

Workshop Option 2

Wednesday, March 27
3:00-5:00pm ET
with Dave Ferguson

In this 2-hour workshop, you will hear from Dave Ferguson as he shares what the life of a Multiplier looks like and why it’s such good news for the North American church.

You will have the opportunity to explore the life and leadership of the future leaders of the church: Multipliers. These are not your normal Christian, pastor or church leader. They are set aside for such a time as this.

We’ll unpack the Multiplier Master Tool, leave room for Q&A and even create space and ask you for your help, getting feedback on how we can make this core content even more powerful for leaders like you.

Participants will walk away with:

  • Core content around the life of a Multiplier and how to become one
  • A deep understanding of the Multiplier Master Tool and how you can utilize it in your local context
  • Next Steps for your own personal and leadership development

We genuinely believe that Multipliers are the future of the North American church and Exponential is putting everything we have into this idea for the next 10 years. If you’re at all interested in the future of the church, what the life of a Multiplier looks like or a deeper sense of calling on your life, we encourage you to register for this Digital Workshop.

Multiplier Digital Workshop Registration

Ministry Leadership Role(Required)
Which Multiplier Digital Workshop would you like to attend?(Required)

You have two unique options for the Multipliers Digital Workshop. In each of the workshops will explore the life and leadership of the future leaders of the church: Multipliers. These are not your normal Christian, pastor or church leader. They are set aside for such a time as this.

We will introduce the Master Tool that opens up the internal and external life of this extraordinary leader, a life that will have ripple effects far beyond their time on this earth is complete. Then we will lay out the Multiplier Life Map, which shows the developmental pathway for leaders saying ‘YES’ to this kind of life.

This will include lots of room for Q&A, dynamic exercise, feedback, and we will even create space and ask you for help, getting feedback on how we can make this core content even more powerful for leaders like you.

Participants will walk away with:

  • Core content around the life of a Multiplier and how to become one
  • A deep understanding of the Master Tool and how you can utilize it in your local context
  • Next Steps for your own personal and leadership development
  • An approach to integrating the core learning into your life in a meaningful way.

We genuinely believe that Multipliers are the future of the North American church and Exponential is putting everything we have into this idea for the next 10 years. If you’re at all interested in the future of the church, what the life of a Multiplier looks like or a deeper sense of calling on your life, we encourage you to register for this Digital Workshop.

We will continue to offer different venues to unpack what it is to become a Multiplier.
Check back this fall as we will have the following chances for you to connect with our team:

  • Multiplier Accelerator (this is 100% FREE!)
    • More information here
  • Sage Huddle: Multiplier Formation with Dave Ferguson ($29)
    • Limited to 40 people
    • More information here

Choose from One of TWO Options

Monday, Dec 4, 12:15-1:45pm ET
with Dave Ferguson
Cost: $29
Limited to 40 people

This special time with Dave Ferguson is going to be capped at 40 people and in it, he will unpack what he’s learned about Multipliers, uncover the surprising (but extremely important) aspects of living this way for the long haul, and use his own personal story to share the Multipliers Life Map.

Dave will share some content, but there will also be discussion, Q&A, and an approach to integrating the core learning into your life in a meaningful way.

Wednesday, Dec 6, 12:15-1:30pm ET
with Exponential Staff
This Workshop is 100% FREE!

Led by two team members of the Exponential team, in this 75-minute Workshop we will share what the life of a Multiplier looks like and why it’s such good news for the North American church.

We’ll unpack the Multiplier Master Tool, leave lots of room for Q&A and even create space and ask you for help, getting feedback on how we can make this core content even more powerful for leaders like you.


Doing the same things over and over again. This speaks to a “long obedience in the same
direction”, not expecting microwavable results or instant gratification. This is about building a certain kind of life more than it is about experiencing quick success.

Virtually anything can reproduce and multiply. In fact, cancer is just that. Something that can multiply death very quickly. But what a Multiplier is looking to do is reproduce and multiply something that is healthy. And you reproduce who you are.

Movemental Impact:
This is about people’s lives being changed far beyond what you can see or control. This is how the movement of God’s Spirit did something in and through you, and there was a ripple effect, 6 or 7 or 8 generations of people beyond you.

for more information on becoming a multiplier

Submit your question(s) below and someone from our team will get back to you soon.

Pursue the Life of a Multiplier

Hear from Dave Ferguson, Exponential CEO and Co-founder