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Equipping Everyday Missionaries in a Post-Christian Era


Do you struggle to motivate your members toward evangelism? Is your “invite them to church” approach broken?

You’re not alone. The program-based model is failing and never touched more than 30 percent of people still interested in Christianity. We need to equip and activate every Christ-follower as an everyday missionary.

Everyday missionaries realize they needn’t sell anything. They can bring Jesus into regular conversations in non-threatening ways. Prayer with friends becomes natural, leading to deeper conversations and questions about spirituality. The result is a growing belief in Jesus.

If nothing changes, churches will continue to shrink while members remain impotent amid fields white unto harvest.

The solution is a gradualistic approach to personal evangelism in the course of daily friendships. Discipling people into Christ is easier than discipling them after conversion.

Learn to remove the fear many church members feel when approaching evangelism. In these pages you’ll discover a workable plan for equipping, even scripting, church members for productive conversations about Christ.

Ralph Moore
Ralph Moore is the founding pastor of three churches which grew into the Hope Chapel movement now numbering more than 2,300 churches worldwide. These are the offspring of the 70+ congregations launched from Ralph’s hands-on disciplemaking efforts. He currently serves as “church multiplication catalyzer” for Exponential. In addition to this, he travels the globe, teaching church multiplication to pastors in startup movements. He has authored several books, including Making DisciplesHow to Multiply Your ChurchStarting a New Church, Defeating Anxiety, and Let Go of the Ring: The Hope Chapel Story. Catch his blog at
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