

Do you love Jesus? Do you embrace his Great Commission as an ideal but struggle in making it practical?

Incendiary fuses the utopian with the pragmatic. Togo and Court offer an incendiary code, a collection of principles they look to apply on their local fronts that can help you accelerate the advance of the Great Commission on yours.

The authors form a prophetically unique partnership, spanning continents, cultures, and communication in shared charisma and covenant toward completing the Great Commission.

They’ve synthesized extensive, ecumenical exposure along with profound, primitive Salvationist research and application, distilling it all into thirteen incendiary principles.

If you pass up on plunging into these pages, you forfeit an excuse for not forging forward in Salvation Life. If you read it, you will be equipped to be empowered to spread Jesus’ love through your world.

André Togo
André is currently serving as an officer helping lead The Salvation Army in Mali. Together with his wife, Nana Fatouma, they have two kids, Fidèle Mercidi and Christine Rutendo. They established The Salvation Army work in Mali and Burkina Faso, and they also served in the Democratic Republic of Congo and Zimbabwe. He is a passionate teacher/preacher, counselor of the Word of God, and a soul winner. André is currently pursuing a master’s degree in humanitarian and development studies at Institut Supérieur de Sécurité Humaine, Burkina Faso.
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Stephen Court
Stephen is an evangelist in The Salvation Army serving God in Canada with his wife, Danielle, (who wrote the foreword!) and three children. He loves Jesus and is convinced that everybody else should too. He aims at multiplying multiplying disciples multiplying multiplying bases to help speed Jesus’ return.
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