More Than Bbq


There is so much more than just barbecue going on in Kansas City. God is on the move! Dan Southerland and Troy McMahon share wisdom and advice to inspire reproducing churches and church planting movements. The two leaders of the KC NewThing Network take us step by step through a successful journey of multiplication which will challenge and guide us. Could it be that God is leading us to start a host of movements in cities across the world in this generation?

Key Points:

Step 1: Pray for your city.
Step 2: Dream big.
Step 3: Find others who share your dream.
Step 4: Plant one church as a group—but plant it well.
Step 5: Start gathering and coaching church planters.
Step 6: Share your specific vision for the city.
Step 7: invite them into the vision.
Step 8: Pool resources.
Step 9: Give birth to another network.
Step 10: Give God all the credit.
Dan Southerland
Dan leads the team's teaching direction and content, maintaining healthy biblical theology, and communicating a clear vision for Westside Family Church. Having deep experience in developing innovative and high-profile churches, Dan has authored the breakthrough church development book, "Transitioning". He earned his Ph.D in Education from Southwestern Theological Seminary, and completed post-graduate studies at North Texas State, University of South Florida, and Union Theological Seminary. He has shared his church leadership experiences with thousands of pastors worldwide. Dan has a passion for teaching, developing leaders, and sharing Jesus.
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Troy McMahon
Troy McMahon is the lead pastor of Restore Community Church (, a reproducing multisite church in Kansas City, MO.  Before planting Restore, Troy was on staff at Community Christian Church in Chicagoland for over 10 years. He had held numerous roles during that time as part of the management team from business manager to facility design to launching a couple of new locations.  Prior to coming on staff at Community Christian Church, Troy spent 10 years in the corporate world as an engineer and business unit manager.  In 2007, Troy's family and about 20 friends relocated to Kansas City, Missouri to start this new church.  In March 2010, just two years after launch, Restore launched its second location in Liberty, MO and in March 2013, Restore launched its third location in the Brookside neighborhood of Kansas City. It is their dream to be a church that is passionate about helping people find their way back to God, focused on mobilizing Christ Followers to change the world and relentless about reproducing churches, leaders and artists.   Troy has been married to the beautiful Janet McMahon for 27 years. Together they have three wonderful kids, Jake (23), Mitch (20) and Judiann (14)…and soon to be daughter in law Hannah.
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