Multiplying Disciples

What Movements Can Teach Us About Discipleship


There have been over two thousand years of church history and disciple-making multiplication.  Multiplying Disciples seeks to draw wisdom from the well of church history by looking at several important disciple-making movements: The Celtic Movement, The Moravian Movement, and the Methodist Movement. Each one of these movements offer vital contributions to the church and when discovered, they can rediscover the power of working together for the great commission to make and multiply disciples of Jesus Christ for the 21st century.

Winfield Bevins
Winfield Bevins is the Director of Church Planting at Asbury Theological Seminary. He has trained leaders from around the world and frequently speaks at conferences, churches, and seminaries on a variety of topics. He is the author of several books including Marks of a Movement and Healthy Rhythms for Leaders. He is the co-founder of Missional Formation Coaching, which is designed to help leaders thrive by promoting healthy rhythms that connect spiritual and missional practices. You can connect with him at and on twitter @winfieldbevins.
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