The Journey


The Journey: Toward a Healthy Multiplying Church by Darrin Patrick

Jesus promised He would build His church, and that the gates of hell would not prevail against it (Matt. 16:18). Commissioned by the risen Lord and empowered by the Holy Spirit, the early church consistently raised up and equipped new leaders as it multiplied.

In this new eBook from Exponential, Darrin Patrick traces the story of The Journey from a small core-group meeting in the basement of a house in St. Louis, to a movement of the gospel across six Journey churches and eight church plants around the country. He dives deep into the tensions of keeping the church on mission while maintaining a healthy leadership culture and discusses what The Journey has learned over the past decade about becoming a movement where every member sees themselves as a missionary for their city. Download your FREE copy of The Journey.

Key takeaways:

  • How a once fledgling church plant began, survived and thrived in a culturally segregated city
  • Patrick’s definitions and explanations of “vision” and “execution.”
  • Patrick’s engaging trajectory from a high school junior who had never been to church to church planter.
  • Help for sorting out if your church’s culture is addition or multiplication
  • The costs of thinking of your church facility as an agent of city renewal.
  • Insightful exploration of The Journey’s tension of moving to a multisite approach.
  • Three lessons The Journey has learned about equipping planters and their core groups
  • One church’s story of navigating and then preventing mission drift.
  • The vital importance of leaders’ emotional health in a church plant
  • Patrick shares three of the emotional challenges he was not prepared to navigate when starting out.
  • Why good opportunities are not necessarily strategic ones.
  • Three steps The Journey has taken to be more purposeful in their mission.
  • Why churches must consider the APEST model for their ministry
  • Why Patrick says a church can be a multiplying movement
Darrin Patrick
Darrin Patrick is the vice president of the Acts 29 Church Planting Network and the founding pastor of the Journey Church in St. Louis. He has served in ministry for twenty years and speaks regularly at pastor's conferences and training events for church planters.
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