The Spectrum Of Involvement



A supplemental eBook for Missional Moves (Exponential Series, Zondervan)

As church leaders, we know people won’t become disciples by sitting through services or just studying the Bible in classrooms. Jesus showed us that mission is the context for making disciples who can make disciples. Every church leader faces huge barriers like busyness and fear, keeping our people away from mission.

They don’t teach you this stuff in seminary. You only learn this through blood, sweat and tears on the frontlines. Granger Community Church has seen thousands move out on mission, culminating in redemptive movements locally and globally. From Monroe Circle Community Center, a hub for neighborhood renewal in the inner city, to a movement of more than 1.000 reproducing churches in India that includes more than 120,000 people.

Practical Help to Help People Move Deeper Into Mission
In this eBook, through the story of Granger Community Church, you’ll discover practical help in mobilizing people toward mission in incremental steps. People need a series of steps into deeper engagement with mission. You’ll discover hard-fought lessons like:

How to develop a spectrum of involvement across local, regional, cross-cultural and global engagement.
How to include people from all ages, levels of spiritual interest, and all levels of ability.
How to create a yearly rhythm of mobilization as a church body toward centralized impact, while encouraging decentralized efforts.

The Spectrum of Involvement: Moving Your People Out On Mission is a free supplemental eBook for Missional Moves(Exponential Signature Series, Zondervan), but can be read on its own. Missional Moves describes 15 tectonic shifts that unleash missional energy and have the power within them to transform churches, communities and the world. These shifts are explored through the compelling story of Granger Community Church, one of America’s best-known attractional churches that is on a 10-year journey toward apostolic movement.

Jack Magruder
Jack Magruder is Director of Life Mission at Granger Community Church. Jack has been on staff with Granger seven years as Rob's executive officer in helping an attractional church become missional.
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A supplemental eBook for Missional Moves (Exponential Series, Zondervan) As church leaders, we know people won’t become disciples by sitting through services or just studying the Bible in classrooms. Jesus showed us that mission is the context for making disciples who can make disciples. Every church leader faces huge barriers like busyness and fear, keeping our people away from mission. They don’t teach you this stuff in seminary. You only learn this through blood, sweat and tears on the frontlines. Granger Community Church has seen thousands move out on mission, culminating in redemptive movements locally and globally. From Monroe Circle Community Center, a hub for neighborhood renewal in the inner city, to a movement of more than 1.000 reproducing churches in India that includes more than 120,000 people. Practical Help to Help People Move Deeper Into Mission In this eBook, through the story of Granger Community Church, you’ll discover practical help in mobilizing people toward mission in incremental steps. People need a series of steps into deeper engagement with mission. You’ll discover hard-fought lessons like: How to develop a spectrum of involvement across local, regional, cross-cultural and global engagement. How to include people from all ages, levels of spiritual interest, and all levels of ability. How to create a yearly rhythm of mobilization as a church body toward centralized impact, while encouraging decentralized efforts. The Spectrum of Involvement: Moving Your People Out On Mission is a free supplemental eBook for Missional Moves(Exponential Signature Series, Zondervan), but can be read on its own. Missional Moves describes 15 tectonic shifts that unleash missional energy and have the power within them to transform churches, communities and the world. These shifts are explored through the compelling story of Granger Community Church, one of America’s best-known attractional churches that is on a 10-year journey toward apostolic movement.
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