Hero Maker Practice 1: Multiplication Thinking

The Practice of Multiplication Thinking

June 14, 2018

This is the second of two posts on Multiplication Thinking. Click here to read the first post.

The Practice of Multiplication Thinking

Hero Makers understand that their greatest impact comes not from their own successes and achievements, but through the multiplied impact of developing others. This subtle shift in a leader’s mindset has the power to transform their church and the world far beyond the power of their own efforts.

Jesus models multiplication thinking for us in Acts 1:8 where he charges his disciples with a mission “…and you will be my witnesses.” Ultimately, it was Jesus’ disciples that carried the Gospel to Asia, Greece, Rome, and beyond. Jesus’ mission wasn’t to be accomplished by only him, but through others that equipped others that equipped others.

If Jesus multiplied his impact through others, shouldn’t we as well? The first step towards releasing others to carry the Gospel beyond our reach is to maintain a mindset that prioritizes multiplication. A mindset that constantly evaluates whether a leader is best used “here” or “there.” A mindset that wonders where the maximum impact for new resources is. A mindset that isn’t satisfied with only accomplishing our own goals and dreams.

Top 3 Multiplication Thinking Resources

Resource 1 – FREE Online Assessment

Interested in assessing your personal multiplication leadership capacity (i.e. your “hero making capacity”)? We’ve created a simple, FREE online tool that takes less than 30 minutes to complete. You will immediately see your results on a 5 level scale. Click the button below to take the assessment.

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Resource 2 – Video Summary

Dave Ferguson provides a brief overview of multiplication thinking.

Resource 3 – Audio Interview

Dave Ferguson, President of Exponential, interviews Sam Stephens, President of India Gospel League, on how the shift to the first hero-making practice, Multiplication Thinking, has expanded his influence, transformed how he approaches ministry, and has literally changed thousands of lives.

Sam Stephens has served God through India Gospel League for more than 35 years. The story of IGL begins with the conversion of Sam’s great-grandfather to the Christian faith through faithful missionaries. From there a vision was born to carry the gospel out to the least-reached and least-loved. Sam has provided leadership in different capacities for its various ministries and has been deeply involved with work at the grass roots level including church planting, rural and community development, child care and administration. When his father died in 1988, he became the President and third generation leader of IGL, standing firm to the original vision and calling to bring the gospel and love of Jesus Christ to unreached peoples. It is under Sam’s leadership and by God’s grace that there has been unprecedented and substantial growth with over 90,000 new churches planted since 1992.



Upcoming Articles

Interested in learning more about the journey from hero to hero maker?  Over the coming weeks, I will be walking through the other 4 essential practices, including Permission Giving, Disciple Multiplying, Gift Activating, and Kingdom Building.



This post is the continuation of our ongoing series of articles on hero-making. These articles highlight the five essential practices of hero-makers by featuring reflections from my relationship with Bob Buford, a role-model for Christian hero-makers everywhere. Bob recently passed into the arms of Jesus after leaving a profound impact on the U.S. church. Peter Drucker, the father of modern management, once said of Bob, “You are creating a new field of human activity almost. And you are setting standards of effectiveness. I’ve never seen anything as effective in such economy of means as Leadership Network (the ministry Bob founded).” We are dedicating the remaining 2018 Hero Maker events to Bob’s memory.