How AI Can Transform Discipleship in Your Church

January 8, 2024

The technological advancements of artificial intelligence (AI) have the power to revolutionize many aspects of our lives, including the way we approach and practice our faith. In this article, we will explore how AI can transform discipleship and the work you do at your church, offering new opportunities for learning, growth, and engagement with the Bible.

AI Saves Time Creating Targeted Resources

One of the key benefits of AI in discipleship is its ability to create space for personal relationships and mentoring by saving time by accelerating the creation of curriculum and discipleship resources. 

With AI-powered tools, pastors and church leaders can easily generate personalized content, such as Bible study guides, sermon FAQ’s, and devotionals, tailored to the specific needs of their congregation. This streamlines the process of creating and distributing resources, allowing pastors to devote more time to other important aspects of ministry.

Imagine being able to quickly generate Bible study materials that cater to different age groups, interests, or spiritual needs within your church community. AI can help you accomplish this by synthesizing core concepts, reframing object lessons, and repurposing materials into different forms of media in order to create resources that resonate with different segments of your community on a deeper level.

For example, let’s say you have a diverse congregation with members ranging from teenagers to seniors. Traditionally, creating Bible study materials contextualized for each age group would require a significant amount of time and effort. However, with AI, you can input demographic data and preferences of your congregation and the system will generate tailored resources for each group.

The AI algorithms can analyze the specific needs, interests, and spiritual growth areas of teenagers, young adults, middle-aged individuals, and seniors and create Bible study guides that address their unique circumstances.

Furthermore, AI can also take into account the different topical interests within your church community. If you have members who are passionate about missions, while others are more focused on personal growth, AI can generate resources that cater to both groups. By leveraging AI technology, pastors and church leaders can ensure that every member of their congregation receives relevant and engaging content that speaks directly to their individual spiritual journeys.

Imagine the impact of having sermon outlines that are not only tailored to the needs of your congregation, but also based on more dynamic theological insights gained from analyzing the works of renowned theologians that you respect, study, and follow. AI can assist pastors in crafting sermons that are both relevant to the current needs of their congregation and rooted in the rich theological heritage of the Church.

Think of the AI tools as seminary student interns who just joined your team. Are they fully versed in the theological traditions of your ministry? Are they able to produce content using all of the nuances and preferred language that you use? Are they able to create content that achieves all of your objectives immediately? Most probably not, but would you be able to redirect, refine, and revise what the intern brings to you on the first pass?  Absolutely, right?

The use of AI in discipleship resource development can revolutionize the creation of targeted resources for your church. By accelerating the process, leveraging strategic analysis, and giving you access to repurposing skills like never before, AI will save time for pastors and church leaders while ensuring that every member of the congregation receives personalized and high-quality content. With AI, pastors can ultimately focus on other important aspects of their ministry, such as direct personal interactions with members, knowing that their resources are effectively meeting the spiritual needs of their community.

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AI Facilitates Deeper Scripture Engagement

Discipleship thrives when individuals are engaged with the word of God. The Center for Bible Engagement’s research has shown that reading the Bible four times a week leads to a 228 percent increase in sharing faith with others, a 231 percent higher rate of discipling others, and a 407 percent increase in memorizing scripture. 

AI can play a significant role in facilitating deeper scripture engagement by providing tools that enhance understanding and encourage exploration.

For instance, AI-powered Bible study platforms can analyze and highlight key themes, contextual information, and cross-references within the scriptures. This not only helps individuals gain a deeper understanding of the texts, but also encourages them to dig deeper into related passages and gain a more comprehensive understanding of the biblical narrative.

In addition to textual analysis, AI can utilize voice recording technology to offer audio versions of the Bible, allowing individuals to listen to Bible-based devotionals, commentaries, and books while driving, exercising, or during other daily activities. 

By integrating AI into the discipleship process, churches can employ systems that foster scripture engagement with reminders when AI detects a break in a person’s reading streak, or to provide supplemental teaching that extends beyond traditional Bible study sessions when someone doesn’t understand part of the teaching such as translated nuances, definitions, or other facets of the Scripture readings.

Imagine a scenario where an individual is studying the book of Psalms. With the help of AI-powered Bible study platforms, they can easily explore the various themes and motifs present in this poetic book. The AI algorithms can analyze any given selected passage of text, identify recurring themes such as praise, lament, and thanksgiving, and provide visual representations or word clouds that highlight the prominence of these themes throughout the book. Custom chatbots can be asked any number of questions that arise while reading the Bible text and provide precise and supportive responses, without the need of anticipated or pre-written FAQ’s.

Furthermore, AI can provide contextual information that enriches the study of scripture. For example, when studying a particular verse, AI-powered platforms can provide historical and cultural context, shedding light on the customs, traditions, and events that influenced the writing of that verse. This contextual information allows individuals to grasp the text’s intended meaning more accurately and appreciate the depth of its message.

Another way AI can facilitate deeper scripture engagement is through its ability to identify cross-references within the scriptures that the reader focuses on. By analyzing the text prompted by the reader, AI algorithms can identify connections between different passages, highlighting verses that are thematically related or share similar language. This feature enables individuals to explore the interconnectedness of the biblical narrative, recognizing the overarching themes and messages that span across different books and authors.

In this area of ministry, AI has the potential to revolutionize scripture engagement by providing tools and features that enhance understanding, encourage exploration, and foster a culture of continuous learning. By leveraging AI-powered Bible study platforms, individuals can increase compliance with Bible reading schedules and have a much more personalized experience reading the Bible – so that they gain a more comprehensive understanding of the scriptures and strengthen their discipleship journey.

Concrete Examples of How Pastors Can Use AI for Discipleship

Now that we understand some of the potential AI can provide with discipleship ministry efforts, let’s explore some more creative concrete examples of how pastors can leverage AI tools within their discipleship programs.

  • Utilize chatbots trained on every sermon preached at a church for answering common questions and providing personalized spiritual guidance to small group leaders and church members.
  • Create devotionals based on each new sermon series preached, intended for texting or emailing to members.
  • Plan and produce agendas and curricula that introduce and incorporate biblical worldviews to address felt needs in the community.
  • Implement AI-powered recommendations to suggest relevant scripture passages, references, and biblical frameworks based on the interests and preferences of the church leader.
  • Produce video scripts for pastors to record that provide sequential content that subtly teaches core biblical concepts incrementally across a stream of social media posts.
  • Use AI to analyze and interpret survey data, gaining valuable insights into your congregation’s spiritual needs, struggles, and interests.
  • Employ AI algorithms to identify and predict patterns in attendance and engagement regarding Bible study, classes, devotional readings, etc, to create more focused programs and content, enabling more effective discipleship strategies.

This limited list of examples only begins to showcase how AI can be used to help various aspects of disciplemaking, helping churches create tailored and impactful experiences for their congregation. There are numerous use cases for how church leaders can use AI.

What AI Can and Cannot Do Regarding Discipleship: Setting the Right Expectations

When it comes to discipleship, hopefully, this article has already presented the case that the potential of AI is undeniable. However, it is important to set realistic expectations about what AI can and cannot do in this context.

It is crucial to recognize that AI cannot replace the human element in discipleship. While AI can provide valuable resources and support, it lacks the ability to fully comprehend the complexities of human emotions, experiences, and spiritual journeys. 

The role of pastors and church leaders in discipleship remains irreplaceable. They bring a unique blend of wisdom, empathy, and personal connection that AI simply cannot replicate. Through their presence and relational approach, pastors and church leaders create a safe and nurturing environment for discipleship to flourish.

Therefore, it is important to view AI as a tool to enhance and supplement the work of ministers, rather than a replacement for their role in discipleship. 

By setting this specific expectation regarding AI’s capabilities, churches can more effectively harness the power of AI while also valuing the importance of personal relationships within discipleship.

The Importance of Evaluating and Refining AI Content Before Use

As with any technology, it is crucial to evaluate and refine AI content before incorporating it into discipleship programs. This ensures that the content remains aligned with biblical teachings and reflects the values and beliefs of your church.

AI algorithms are only as good as the data they are trained on. It is important to regularly review and update the algorithms and models used to generate AI content, ensuring accuracy, relevance, and theological soundness.

Just like any work that a smart seminary student intern might produce for you, you must “keep a human in the loop” and set aside time to review and revise anything the AI will produce to make sure it is wholly useable and yours.

Additionally, seeking feedback from church members and subject matter experts can help identify potential biases or shortcomings in AI-generated content, allowing for continuous improvement and development.

Final Thoughts and Challenge to You: Try One AI Tool This Month for Discipleship

To fully grasp the potential of AI in discipleship, it is essential to explore and experiment with different AI tools and technologies. As a practical call to action, I challenge you and your team to try at least one new AI tool or platform this month. There are thousands of tools out there, but some that you might consider include:

By actively engaging with AI tools, you will quickly understand how to brainstorm creative ways to implement it in your discipleship programs. This hands-on approach will not only deepen your understanding of AI, but also spark innovative ideas that can truly transform discipleship within your church.

As AI continues to advance, the possibilities for its application in discipleship are endless. Embracing AI as a tool for enhancing discipleship can lead to more meaningful and personalized experiences, ultimately helping individuals grow in their faith and deepen their relationship with God. 

By ignoring or putting this exploration aside, you might be missing out on increasing the impact of your own personal work for the church.

So, take the leap and explore what AI can do for church leaders. Embrace the power of technology to connect, engage, and nurture the spiritual growth of your congregation.

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Kenny Jahng

Kenny Jahng

Kenny Jahng is the Editor-in-Chief of and founder of He is deeply committed to helping ministries connect with the right audiences. Kenny is also the Chief Clarity Officer at Big Click Syndicate, a strategic marketing advisory firm. He holds certifications as a StoryBrand Copywriter Guide and Jasper AI expert, and is the creator of the A.R.T. of Engagement content marketing framework, which has helped ministries worldwide build stronger connections with their audiences. With a passion for empowering Christian leaders to achieve their marketing goals, Kenny can be found on LinkedIn and Instagram or via
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