Marriage Warning: Are Kids/Ministry the Center of Your Conversation?

November 22, 2017

When our son, Taylor, was one year old, we left him with my (Brian)  parents overnight for the first time. We were taking a 24-hour getaway, an exciting event for us. We made a deal that we wouldn’t talk about our child for the duration of the trip because it was time to focus on each other.
You may know that the first year with a first child is a time when the couple’s relationship can suddenly slide into obscurity. The child is the center of the parents’ universe. We knew that, and we wanted to be sure we were still connecting.
As we sat down for dinner at Olive Garden, we congratulated ourselves, drank in our freedom–and quickly realized we couldn’t think of a single subject other than Taylor to talk about! Taylor and ministry had been our whole year; subtract those topics, and there wasn’t much left.
How sad. That fact in itself became a topic of conversation. We decided it wouldn’t happen again.
Right through the strenuous course of our lives, we needed a steady diet of humor, books, current events, challenges, and spiritual topics to share together.
We needed a rich field of interests that had nothing to do with work or children.
What are your dreams? What are the fears you can’t discuss with anyone else? Get the conversation rolling, and keep that fire lit 24/7/365.
Most of all, keep your ears unclogged–listen attentively.

In 1997, Brian & Amy Bloye planted West Ridge Church in Dallas, Georgia. They have two sons, now in college. Brian & Amy are co-authors of the book, It’s Personal, a book designed to help ministry couples and church planters thrive during the journey of church planting. Download a free sneak peak of their book by clicking here.
Join Brian & Amy at Exponential 2018 where they’ll be leading a pre-conference intensive on marriage with ministry couples Geoff and Sherry Surratt and Larry and Deb Walkemeyer. Learn more here.


Brian Bloye

Brian Bloye

Brian Bloye is the pastor of West Ridge Church in Dallas, Georgia, and the founder of the Launch Network, an organization focused on inspiring and equipping next-generation church planters to lead strong. Brian also serves as founder and president of Engage Burkina, an organization committed to serving the people of Burkina Faso, Africa. Since 2009, 11 churches have been planted and 74 wells dug in this nation, the world's second-poorest country.
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Amy Bloye

Amy Bloye

Amy Bloye is a pastor's wife and the mother of two teenage boys. She and her husband, Brian, started West Ridge Church in 1997, and she has a passion for encouraging and connecting church planters' wives. She loves travelling to sunny places and shopping for bargains, but her best time is invested in dating her husband and hanging out with her two boys, Taylor and Zach.
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