Behaviors of Your Evangelism Culture Cover

Behaviors of Your Evangelism Culture


Is evangelism a lost cause? Or do we have opportunities to find new alignment with the work of the Holy Spirit as we share the gospel with a lost and hurting world?

These are questions we’re asking ourselves as we prepare to gather in Orlando in March 2023 for a discussion about what it means to reach out to our friends, neighbors, colleagues, and communities with the grace, peace, and love of Jesus during this season.

Are you (or is someone you know):

  • Wondering how best to reach the lost?
  • Curious about what other church leaders are doing to share the gospel?
  • Ready to develop new strategies to engage your team in the work of reaching out?

What we value, we talk about—and what we talk about changes our behavior. When our values, narrative, and behaviors align, we have a strong culture. The behavior part is mission-critical. It’s the reason we don’t have strong evangelistic cultures today—we don’t actually take the necessary action. This vital part of culture creation is what we’re talking about in this fourth workbook in our Lost Cause series.

This workbook, the fourth in a 5-part series, will lead you through a discovery process designed to help you better understand both your own current posture toward evangelism, as well as the challenges and opportunities we all face in evangelizing the lost in 2022, 2023, and beyond.

Interactive question and answer spaces allow you to capture your thoughts in the document, on your favorite device.

Download the FREE PDF and start your journey toward increased evangelism effectiveness today. Click here to access the workbooks in the series. 

Join us in Orlando March 6-9, 2023 to continue this important conversation.

Rick Richardson
Rick Richardson

Rev. Dr. Rick Richardson is professor of evangelism and leadership at Wheaton College and directs the Church Evangelism and Research Institutes for the Billy Graham Center. He founded the Church Evangelism Institute and co-founded the African American Church Evangelism Institute.

An ordained Anglican priest, Rick is part of an Anglican church plant in urban Chicago. After 25 years in campus ministry, he now consults widely with churches on evangelism, church revitalization, healing, reconciliation, the emerging generation, and contemporary missional churches and missional movements. He is passionate about evangelism, prayer, and racial reconciliation in order to cast vision and equip an emerging generation. Rick’s latest book is You Found Me: New Research on How Unchurched Millennials, Nones, and Irreligious are Surprisingly Open to Christian Faith. He holds an M.Div. from Northern Baptist Seminary (evangelism and urban ministry) and a Ph.D. in intercultural studies from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School.
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