God Dreams

12 Vision Templates for Finding and Focusing Your Church’s Future

Is your team excited about the next big dream for your church?

You are a visionary leader and your church probably has a vision statement. Yet most churches are stuck in a trap of generic communication without a truly visionary plan. Just like a visionary restaurant needs a more specific focus than “serving food,” a visionary church needs something more than biblical generalizations like “loving God, loving people” or “making disciples and serving the world.”

When a team doesn’t share an understanding of God’s next big dream, leadership grows tired, overworked by an “all things to all people” ministry approach. Too often there’s no unified picture of what success looks like. People can feel uninspired and your church’s programming can seem more optional than ever.

Ministry without clarity is insanity. Are you ready for a better way?

In this groundbreaking work, based on Will Mancini’s 15 years and over 10,000 hours of church team facilitation, God Dreams reveals a simple and powerful planning method that will bring energy and focus to your church like never before.

First, God Dreams shows how to reclaim the role of long-range vision today by providing 12 vision templates, each with biblical, historical and contemporary illustrations. These vision starters will dramatically accelerate your team’s ability to find complete agreement regarding your church’s future.

Second, God Dreams explains how to overcome the fruitless planning efforts that many church teams experience.  With a tool called the Horizon Storyline, leaders can connect short-term action steps with the long-range dream, while leveraging the power of storytelling to make the plan “stick.”  This tool will galvanize a diverse team of ministry leaders and volunteers with unprecedented enthusiasm.

Imagine leading with a refreshed sense of freedom and confidence, with a totally new way to inspire your church. Imagine the ability to harness the energy and resources of your people towards a specific dream of gospel impact, in your church and in your lifetime.

God Dreams is your passport to leading into a better future.

Will Mancini
Will Mancini is the founder of Auxano, a non-profit church consulting group, and Younique, a training and certification company for personal calling and life planning through the church. As a recognized thought leader, he leads a team of “navigators” who work with over 400 church teams a year to create break-through clarity and execute their vision. Will’s previous work experience includes more than 20 years in ministry that grew out of his earlier career as a chemical engineer and ad agency executive. A graduate of Dallas Theological Seminary, Will served as pastor of spiritual formation and leadership development at Clear Creek Community Church and FaithBridge, both in Houston. Will is the author/co-author of multiple books, including God Dreams: 12 Vision Templates for Finding and Focusing Your Church’s Future; Church Unique: How Missional Leaders Cast Vision, Capture Culture and Create Movement; Innovating Discipleship: Four Paths to Real Discipleship Results; and Building Leaders: Blueprints for Developing Leadership at Every Level of Your Church, among others. Will lives in Houston with his wife, Romy, and their four children, Jacob, Joel, Abigail and Poema. Learn more about Will and his work at willmancini.com. Connect with him on Twitter at @willmancini and Instagram at will_be_clear.
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Warren Bird
Warren Bird, Ph.D., is the co-author of 35 books for church leaders including Hero Maker (Dave Ferguson and Warren Bird), Viral Churches (Ed Stetzer and Warren Bird), and Better Together: Making Healthy Mergers Work (Jim Tomberlin and Warren Bird).  He is senior vice president of research at ECFA (Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability). 
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