Just Step In


As God builds your church, He has a very unique personality in mind for it that is designed to engage your community in very specific ways. But if you’re not careful, you can miss it. In our fast-paced culture, you may feel pressured to define that design before you ever hit the ground. God has been preparing your community for a long time, and He has invited you to step into what He has prepared. He wants you to join Him in what He is already doing. This “5 P” approach to city engagement Rich Gorman writes about in his new eBook will help you to think differently about your city and lead you to reimagine the ways God is inviting you to join Him as he heals your city for His glory.

Key highlights:

  • Detailed look at the dynamics of a community critical to engaging a city: power centers, economy, celebration, pain areas and gatekeepers (Person of Peace)
  • A simplified process for understanding these dynamics called the 5 Ps: Power, Pennies, Parties, Pain, Person of Peace
  • How Jesus interacted with these five dynamics
  • How to discern and identify the unique personality God has designed for your church and how it fits into your community
  • How to exegete a culture, community and city so that your church can join God in what He is already doing in your community
  • Inspiring, real-life stories of how a church has engaged the pain areas of its city
  • Practical application for connecting the 5 Ps and seeing God work them together for His glory
  • Practical questions at the end of each chapter to help your church engage in each of these dynamics of your community
Rich Gorman
Rich and Dori Gorman are campus pastors of Community Christian Church’s Edgewater campus in the city of Chicago. Edgewater is one of the most dense and diverse neighborhoods in the country. The Edgewater campus is a diverse community committed to following God as he heals us and our city.
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