

In a journey that’s been nothing short of amazing, church planter Brian Bolt shares the joy of serving a God of second chances. Story after story in Bolt’s life and ministry demonstrate the depth and power of redeeming grace as God moves to do amazing things through unlikely people. In this FREE eBook in Exponential’s series focusing on church multiplication, Bolt shares his experience with CityReach (the church-planting network he founded) and lessons learned from the process, while highlighting the encouraging stories of men and women emerging from recovery to become inspired church planters and leaders.

Key Takeaways:
  • God has a way of redeeming difficult circumstances
  • How recovery is an amazing resource for leadership development
  • Inspiring stories demonstrating that God doesn’t call the equipped but equips the called
  • How service can open doors for the gospel in our communities
  • Practical advice for leading a church-planting network well
  • How clarity in our context propels God’s mission forward


Brian Bolt
Brian Bolt gave his life to Christ in the back of an ambulance after being shot in the head. His life was radically transformed when he became a part of a men's recovery home. There, he discovered his calling to become a pastor and plant churches. After attending Bible college in eastern Pennsylvania, he relocated to Pittsburgh and started the first men's Hope Home and CityReach Church, where he presently serves as the lead pastor. Out of this ministry grew the CityReach Network, which exists to start churches in cities across America. So far, the Network includes 13 existing churches and is on target to double that number.  As well as being founder and president of CityReach Network, Bolt is also the executive director of Network of Hope, a compassion-based non-profit.
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