The Great Commission And The Rest Of Creation


Most people hope that they can help make the world a better place, and many think they can accomplish that by saving something—rain forests, wild life, gray whales or even the whole planet. The ecological undercurrent rightly attributes value to every living thing, and believes that humanity is responsible for right actions towards the earth. Its value system, however, does not comprehend a Creator who has a comprehensive saving plan for everything He created. In this FREE resource, church planting veteran Linda Bergquist offers a new perspective for understanding Scripture in more whole, ecological ways. She provides practical suggestions for helping people who really care about the world to better understand and connect with God’s plans and purposes. The Great Commission and the Rest of Creation encourages leaders in a relationship with Christ that empowers them towards more saving activity than they could ever imagine in their own strength.

Key highlights

  • How creation care is directly incorporated into the biblical themes of sin and redemption
  • How creation care is directly linked to God’s promise that everything broken will someday be healed through Christ (Rom. 8:19-21, Col. 1:20).
  • Thorough discussion of the tenets of an emerging ecological worldview and the ways in which the gospel is supremely relevant in this new context.
  • Why we need to achieve common ground with people who care about the earth.
  • Historical and modern-day examples of how Christians have already been actively involved in caring for the earth.
  • Three aspects of a biblical perspective for including creation care in the sent activity of God’s people.
  • How today’s church can contextualize the good news for the emerging ecological worldview and hear God in the midst of it.
  • What might happen if we valued everything God created and acted towards all of it with thanksgiving, concern and appropriate respect
  • A biblical and compelling response to people who have a passion to save things, but who don’t believe God factors into their life and passion.
  • Examples of how churches are beginning to understand and act on their responsibility to care for all of God’s creation.
  • List of related faith-based books and websites.
Linda Bergquist
Linda Bergquist has been involved in church planting for forty years as a catalyst, mentor, and midwife for healthy baby churches. She has coauthored Church Turned Inside Out, The Wholehearted Church Planter, and Planting City Shaped Churches, as well as the Exponential eBook The Great Commission and the Rest of Creation. She and her husband, Eric, live in San Francisco, where she is a catalyst for the Send Network of the North American Mission Board.
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