Together Episode 3: Greg Surratt talks about together with networks

January 28, 2020

Greg Surratt: Together Podcast

Interview with Greg Surratt

As we explore our 2020 theme, Together: Pursuing the Great Collaboration, we are examining Jesus’ prayer in John 17 “…that they may be one as we are one – I in them and you in me – so that they may be brought to complete unity.” Part of fulfilling this Great Collaboration prayer is being together with networks.

In this podcast, Exponential President Dave Ferguson and 2020 conference speaker Greg Surratt discuss why it’s important to be a part of a church planting network. Greg explains that churches are more effective at accomplishing their missions and pastors are healthier when they are in a network. With the great diversity in church planting networks, no one needs to go it alone; there is a tribe for everyone. As Greg repeats throughout the episode, “don’t do ministry alone.”

Greg is the president and co-founder of the Association of Related Churches (ARC), which is a global church-planting initiative that has established over 800 churches worldwide since its founding in 2000. He is also the founding pastor of Seacoast Church, which was planted with the goal of reaching unchurched people in the Charleston area. Greg led Seacoast as it grew from one campus to many, as Seacoast became one of the first churches to pioneer the multi-site approach to the weekend experience.

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Key Highlights:

  • The benefits of joining a network
  • Spiritual fatherhood
  • Future trends in networks
  • Avoiding a comparison trap

Today and in the coming weeks, we hope you join us for this critical conversation as we unpack each of these shifts.

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