Digital Access Pass 2015


Digital Access Pass 2015


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Digital Access Pass 2015

Videos are organized by the 5 sub-themes at Exponential East and West 2015 and include talks and creative elements from all main and webcast sessions. There are 5 tabs below titled “spark:CULTURE, flame:VALUES, fire:NARRATIVE, blaze:BEHAVIOR, inferno:MOVEMENT”. There are two main stage sessions for each tab.  Click on the tabs to see the videos available for each session. Now you can bring the main stage experience home to your spouse, team and church.

Click on the link for the applicable video to download it to your computer. Videos can take several minutes to download depending on your internet speed. Videos are being made available in normal resolution similar to what is on YouTube. The normal resolution files are adequate for most uses and are included on this page. Use any video player that works with mp4 files to watch the videos. Quicktime for Windows and Mac is recommended. Click here to download Quicktime for free. Windows Media Player on PCs also plays mp4 files. Click here to download Windows Media Player for free.



Terms spark:CULTURE flame:VALUES fire:NARRATIVE blaze:BEHAVIOR inferno:MOVEMENT


Use of the Digital Access Pass is subject to these terms and conditions:

1. Digital Access Pass content is for personal and team use and may not be reposted, modified or sold without permission of Exponential. The purchase entitles you to use the Digital Access Pass on one individuals computer or mobile device. That person may show and use the material to train team members but may not further distribute the content beyond the individual purchaser’s computer. Distribution limitations are similar to songs purchased on iTunes. The songs may be played for other people via the purchaser’s device, but may not be copied and further distributed to other individuals.

2. Purchasers may NOT share their passwords for others to download content. Content may only be downloaded by the purchaser to their computer.

3. Content will be available to download for one year after the date of purchase.

4. Purchases are non-refundable.

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A flame is ignited by a single spark. The spark starts in each of us. Are we part of a culture of multiplication that fan’s the spark into a flame? What does our culture need to embody to fan the flame? Are we pouring fuel or water on the spark?

Session 1

Danielle Strickland
Dave Ferguson

Danielle Strickland
Dave Ferguson

CREATIVE: Culture is Everything – Brian Zehr

Session 2

Bob Roberts & Kevin Cox
Ying Kai

Bob Roberts & Kevin Cox
Ying Kai

Videos are being made available in normal resolution similar to what is on YouTube. The normal resolution files are adequate for most uses and are included on this page.

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Our VALUES are at the core of defining the type of culture we create. Values are not simply what we say are important. Values create a burden in our souls that compel us to action. Our values shape and influence what we do and how we do it. To ignite a culture of multiplication we must first start with deeply held convictions about multiplication.

Session 3

Joby Martin
Steve Murrell
Steve Stroope

Joby Martin
Steve Murrell
Ed Stetzer
Bob Roberts

CREATIVE: Spoken Word – Propaganda
CREATIVE: MULTIPLY – Joby Martin & Jerry Sweat

Session 4

J.D. Greear
Michael Frost
Mario Vega

J.D. Greear
Steve Stroope


Videos are being made available in normal resolution similar to what is on YouTube. The normal resolution files are adequate for most uses and are included on this page.

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Healthy cultures are fueled by our NARRATIVE. The language we use, the stories we tell and the things we celebrate either enhance or suppress the culture we seek to create. Our NARRATIVE brings our VALUES to life in a way that is real, practical and memorable for our people. A strongly aligned narrative helps people conclude, “I love this church and I want to be part of what God’s doing here.” Narrative helps make raving fans and move people from “come and see” to “go and be.” Narrative inspires people to action and helps them see their next steps of involvement in simple, practical ways.

Session 5

J.D. Greear
Steve Stroope

J.D. Greear
Mario Vega
Michael Frost

Session 6

Larry & Deb Walkemeyer

Larry & Deb Walkemeyer

Videos are being made available in normal resolution similar to what is on YouTube. The normal resolution files are adequate for most uses and are included on this page.

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Instead of telling me what you are about, SHOW me. Culture is created when you determine your core values, find a way to make those core values part of your everyday dialogue, but most importantly when you support those values with your BEHAVIOR. People need to see us living out what we say is important. People need simple steps of action that let their stories become part of the church’s story. A strongly aligned culture will naturally move people from hearing what is important to becoming active participants.

Session 7

Jeff Leake
Brian Bolt
Dave Ferguson

Jeff Leake
Brian Bolt
Dave Ferguson

Session 8

Derwin Gray
Bob Roberts

Derwin Gray
Steve Stroope

CREATIVE: MULTIPLY – Derwin Gray & Coach D.W. Rutledge

Videos are being made available in normal resolution similar to what is on YouTube. The normal resolution files are adequate for most uses and are included on this page.

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The early Church exploded to the far reaches of civilization. The focus was not on how large individual churches could become, but instead on how they made disciples who were sent. A culture of multiplication is needed if we want to grow the message of Christ into a movement.

Session 9

Special Forum on Race and Justice
Michael McBride
Dave Ferguson
Candace Lewis
Mark DeYmaz
Greg Surratt

Special Forum on Race and Justice
Michael McBride
Dave Ferguson
Candace Lewis
Mark DeYmaz
Daniel So


Session 10

Dave Ferguson
Max Lucado
Oscar Muriu

Max Lucado
Oscar Muriu

CREATIVE: Introducing Max Lucado – Eric Bramlett

Videos are being made available in normal resolution similar to what is on YouTube. The normal resolution files are adequate for most uses and are included on this page.

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