Microchurch Summit Resource Kit


Microchurch Summit Resource Kit


The Microchurch Summit Resource Kit is perfect for individual and team training! Now you can bring these multi-session videos home to your spouse, team, and church.

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Microchurch Summit RESOURCE KIT

The Microchurch Summit Resource Kit is perfect for individual and team training! Now you can bring these multi-session videos home to your spouse, team, and church. In this digital resource you will receive:

  • An unparalleled lineup of microchurch practitioners to guide you through these conversations. Hear from Bre Wiebe, Brian Sanders, Dori Yuen, Hugh Halter, Joel Repic, Tomy Wilkerson, Peyton Jones, Rodrigo Cano, Stacy Gaskins, Dave Ferguson and Myron Pierce.
  • Instant content for staff meetings equipping you and your team and help answer these questions:
    • What is a microchurch?
    • Why microchurches and where can it lead?
    • Where do we begin to make transitions?


Session 1 – What is a Microchurch? Why Microchurches?

  • Welcome: Brian Johnson and Rob Wegner, Directors of Microchurch NEXT
  • Definition of Microchurch: Brian Sanders
  • Why Microchurches?: Panel introduction
  • Panel Discussion: Tomy Wilkerson, Stacy Gaskin, Hugh Halter

Session 2 – Disciple-Making leads to Microchurches Emerging

  • Introduction: Rob Wegner and Brian Johnson
  • Example #1: KCU – Missionary Pathway – Bre Wiebe
  • Example #2: Mission Church – Five H – Myron Pierce
  • Example #3: Channel Church – Dori Yuen

Session 3 – Transitions and Implementation

  • Introduction: Rob Wegner and Brian Johnson
  • From within the Predominant Model: Dave Ferguson & Rodrigo Cano
  • From within the Predominant Model: Joel Repic
  • From the Streets: Peyton Jones
  • Q&A: Microchurch Team

Use of this Resource Kit is subject to these terms and conditions:

1. Resource Kit content is for personal and team use and may not be re-posted, modified or sold without permission of Exponential. The purchase entitles you to use the Resource Kit on one individual’s computer or mobile device. That person may show and use the material to train team members but may not further distribute the content beyond the individual purchaser’s computer. Distribution limitations are similar to songs purchased on iTunes. The songs may be played for other people via the purchaser’s device, but may not be copied and further distributed to other individuals.

2. Purchasers may NOT share their passwords for others to download content. Content may only be downloaded by the purchaser to their computer.

3. Content will be available to download for one year after the date of purchase.

4. Purchases are non-refundable.

5.  Content of each Speaker’s talk is their individual Copyright / Property and may not be used or distributed except as expressly stated in these terms and conditions above.

NOTE: Please see the “Terms” tab for allowable uses of these videos. In summary, Resource Kit content is for personal and team use and may not be re-posted, modified or sold without permission of Exponential. The purchase entitles you to use this Resource Kit on one individual’s computer or mobile device. That person may show and use the material to train team members but may not further distribute the content beyond the individual purchaser’s computer.

**Videos are being made available in normal resolution similar to what is on YouTube. The normal resolution files are adequate for most uses and are included on this page.