Discipleship Resource Kit


Discipleship Resource Kit


The Discipleship Resource Kit is designed to help you make disciples who make disciples to the fourth generation. Key practitioners in disciple-making will equip you to create a culture of disciple-making in your church that plants the seeds for a disciple-making movement.

SKU: KIT-DISC Category:

The Discipleship Resource Kit is designed to help you make disciples who make disciples to the fourth generation. Key practitioners in disciple-making will equip you to create a culture of disciple-making in your church that plants the seeds for a disciple-making movement.

Topics Include:

  • Theology of discipleship
  • Making disciples who make disciples
  • Defining spiritual maturity
  • Starting a disciple-making movement
  • Creating a culture of discipleship in your church

Resources Include:

  • Video: Jim Putman on Keeping Discipleship at the Core
  • eBook: Becoming a Disciple Maker by Bobby Harrington & Greg Wiens
  • Podcast: The Discipleship Gospel by Bill Hull & Ben Sobels
  • eBook: Disciples Who Make Disciples by Greg Nettle & Alex Absalom
  • Additional 10 hours of audio training

Featured Leaders in this Resource Kit

Jim Putman is one of the leading voices on disciple making today. He is the founder and senior pastor of Real Life Ministries in Post Falls, Idaho. Real Life was launched with a commitment to discipleship and the model of discipleship Jesus practiced, which is called, “Relational Discipleship.” The church drew national attention for its dramatic growth and then they starting planting churches that also had a high impact. This effectiveness led Jim to co-found and serve as a visionary leader with the Relational Discipleship Network, a network of like minded churches in the USA and beyond.

Jim is a hunter, sports enthusiast, and he was a national champion wrestler in college. He holds degrees from Boise State University and Boise Bible College. He is the author of many books, including Church Is a Team Sport, Real Life Discipleship, Real Life Discipleship Workbook (with Avery Willis and others), Discipleshift (with Bobby Harrington and Robert Coleman), The Power of Together, and most recently, Hope for the Prodigal.


Dr. Bobby Harrington is the co-founder (with Todd Wilson) of and executive director of Discipleship.org, a national ministry that advocates for Jesus’ style of disciple making and hosts a national forum on disciple making. He is the founding and lead pastor of Harpeth Christian Church. He has trained hundreds of church planters and coaches of church planters (with Stadia) and he has authored multiple books on discipleship, including DiscipleShift(with Jim Putman), Dedicated, Discipleship that Fits (with Alex Absalom) and, most recently,The Disciple Maker’s Handbook (with Josh Patrick). Bobby and his lovely wife Cindy treasure spending time with their married children and their spouses, a new grandchild, other family, friends, and trips to Israel.


Greg Nettle – As President of Stadia – a global church planting organization – Greg Nettle has a God-given passion for the Church and its responsibility to plant new churches… churches specifically designed to reach out to children at physical and spiritual risk. He is an author, speaker and consultant as an agent of change in the global church.

For 25 years, Greg served as visionary leader of the RiverTree Movement in Ohio. During that time the church grew from 100 to more than 3000 people, from 1 to 4 campuses, helped plant 15 churches throughout Ohio and 13 in Latin America, sponsored more than 2000 children with Compassion International and involved more than 200 families in adoption. Greg came to RiverTree after beginning his ministry as a church planter in Dublin, Ireland.


Bill Hull has spent his adult life as a discipleship evangelist. His twenty years as a local church pastor and more than twenty books on the subject testify to his commitment. Bill believes that the church faces a very practical problem, we keep trying to reach the world without first making disciples. We are preaching a gospel that separates conversion from discipleship. When this happens, we make disciples who don’t believe in discipleship. The solution is found in rebuilding a gospel that embraces discipleship. Because the gospel we believe in determines the kind of disciples we make. This problem and its solution are addressed in Bill’s newest work, Conversion & Discipleship: You Can’t Have One without the Other. The book’s thesis is that “All who are called to salvation are called to discipleship, no exceptions, no excuses.” As Bill often says, “Some believe you can have conversion without discipleship, I believe the proof of conversion is discipleship.”


Brett Andrews is the founding pastor of New Life Christian Church in the northern Virginia suburbs of Washington DC. Since launching in 1993 New Life has grown to be multi-site and has directly planted 230 churches with over 31,000 people reached. They’ve also built a national church planting ministry Passion for Planting that has impacted countless other church plants by providing free resources, project management, and by shaping Exponential into what it is today. New Life also runs the nZone, an indoor recreational facility, which allows over 400,000 Washingtonians experience the love to God every year before they know it’s God’s love they are experiencing. Brett’s greatest blessing on earth is his wife of 29 years, Laura, and their four children. He enjoys sailing, coaching baseball, and his beagle, who will eagerly greet you by wetting the floor.


Dave Rhodes – In a world that is constantly shifting, consistency is of utmost importance. Through the developed skills of Communication, Coaching, Consultation and Collaboration, Dave Rhodes empowers leaders in The Art of Congruency – developing personal lives and corporate cultures that are constantly changing but never random.

Dave currently works as the Pastor of Discipleship and Movement Initiatives at Grace Fellowship Church in Atlanta Georgia. He is a sought after speaker, writer, consultant and coach. He is co-founder of Younique and a collaborative partner for 100 Movements, 10,000 Fathers, and Auxano.


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