NEXT Ventures

Groundbreaking ideas, curated for you.

The Lighthouse Project

Josh Dotzler is a spiritual leader, justice advocate, communicator, and CEO of Abide, a non-profit mission focused on revitalizing the inner city of Omaha, one neighborhood at a time. He

Streets of Prayer

Akram Hadeed is the CEO and founder of Streets of Prayer, a ministry dedicated to the audacious mission of mobilizing every believer to pray over every street in the world

Shark Tank Finalists 2024 

NEXT Ventures is a ministry of Exponential NEXT designed to discover, connect, and learn from innovative ministries shaping the future of the church.  This year, we identified 12 ministry projects

Church Revitalization – 7 Innovative Models 

Church revitalization is the process of a congregation working together to become more sustainably healthy, internally independent, and increasingly impactful.  It is often required in older, declining congregations that had their

Finding Your Tribe

The digital revolution and the rise of social media have proliferated hundreds of thousands of subgroups or tribes, each with its own distinctive characteristics and culture.  Seth Godin, in his

Implementing New Forms of Church

New expressions and models of the church are springing up daily alongside the tried-and-true, established churches.  Innovation is the lifeblood of progress, and these new experimental ways of doing church

What’s Your Number? 

We were almost four years into our second church plant and I was determined to break the 400 growth barrier.  We were hovering in the low to mid-300s in attendance,

Prayer is Returning to Public Schools

The landmark 1962 ruling of Engel v. Vitale removed school-sponsored prayer from public schools.  The justices ruled that it violated the First Amendment’s establishment clause, which states, “Congress shall make

The Rise of Multi-Vocational Ministry

The word vocation is derived from the Latin term vocatio, which means a “calling” or “summons.”   A person’s vocation is bigger than their job. It is a sense of purpose

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