
Groundbreaking ideas, curated for you.

How to Be a Successful Church Planter

The following is an excerpt of an article by RightNow Media:   Church planting is a lot of things: a risky calling, an entrepreneurial challenge, an administrative juggling act, and

The Heart of Multiplication decorative image

The Heart of Multiplication

“The Lord said to Abram, ‘Go from your country, your people and your father’s household to the land I will show you. I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless

Church Planting Leadership Fellowship

CPLF Partnership Announcement

In an exciting development for the future of church planting in North America, Exponential has announced a new strategic partnership with renowned missiologist, author, and Dean of Talbot School of

Moving to Multiplication

Songwriter Peter Gabriel once captured it perfectly: “The only constant I am sure of is this accelerating rate of change.” The pace of change in our society and churches is

Personal Multiplication Capacity

What Is Your Personal Multiplication Capacity?

Harold’s Secret Harold was a “C-” preacher and organizational leader. His Personal Multiplication Capacity (PMC), however, was “A” level. Pastor Harold led a small evangelical, holiness church in rural Kansas.

The Long Game

I begin with a question that all of us in leadership must answer: Why does the church have such a difficult time engaging her people in life-transforming discipleship? There are

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